Greenacre Eagles Football Club 2018 Committee

Planning & reviewing

Like all businesses, sporting clubs and associations need to spend a lot of time and resources on planning for the future. Unfortunately, our experience shows that this doesn’t always happen. Whether it’s because of competing priorities or lack of time or resources, many sporting clubs and associations just don’t do it. This can be detrimental to their future success.

Planning plays an important part in the relationship that sporting clubs and associations have with key government stakeholders, sponsors and when applying for grants and funding. Stakeholders want assurance that a club or association will be viable to invest in for many years to come.

At MDS Sports Consultancy, we can help your sporting club or association by providing the following planning & reviewing services:

Strategic Planning

The purpose of a strategic plan is to outline the club or association’s vision for the future so that it can develop short and long-term goals that drive them in the right direction. It forms the foundation for how the club or association will operate and provides key stakeholders with important information to help them decide whether or not to invest.

At MDS Sports Consultancy, we can create a strategic plan for your club or association that will set you apart from the rest. We will work with your Board or Committee members to determine the club or association’s key objectives and where it should place itself in the market. We will then develop a list of goals and objectives followed by an action plan that the club or association should follow.

Organisational Review

Change always needs to happen in order for a club or association to survive and stay ahead of its competitors. MDS Sports Consultancy will conduct a full review of your club or association and provide recommendations that have been tried and tested and guaranteed to work. An organisational review may include changing the Constitution or By Laws or changing the reporting structure of the club or association’s employees. We will provide you with all the necessary information and tools to ensure the changes occur. We have experience in conducting many organisational reviews that have returned a positive return on investment.

Master Facility Planning

A Master Facility Plan is an important document that all clubs and associations must have. The plan gives key stakeholders such as local Council and Members of Parliament an insight into what the club or association wants its facility to look like. A master plan should be seen as a ‘dream list’. The plan will divide the required works into different stages and then funding can be applied to the stages as it becomes available.

MDS Sports Consultancy will do an analysis of the current state of play of your club or association’s facility and then provide a master facility plan, which will include all costings. We will then assist the club or association present the plan to key members of Council (staff and elected representatives) and Members of Parliament.

Policy Planning

All clubs and associations should have a variety of policies to safeguard them from issues that may harm their reputations and integrity. MDS Sports Consultancy can develop policies unique to your club or association to ensure they are always protected. Examples of policies include registration refund, social media, coaches code of conduct or player selection. Policies need to be seen as ‘live’ documents and should be regularly updated to reflect the current environment. For example, a social media policy should include all current platforms when outlining the definition of social media.