The sponsorship market for sports clubs and associations has changed significantly over the past decade. Prior to this, sponsors were simply ‘donating’ their hard earned money. Nowadays, with the financial pressure that sponsors are put under, it is essential they receive a ‘return on investment’.

At MDS Sports Consultancy, we are experienced in the area of sponsorship for sports clubs and associations. We understand the importance of a solid relationship between the sponsor and the club or association and how both parties can mutually benefit from this.

We can provide help for:
– sponsors that are looking to invest in a sponsorship deal with a sports club or association
– sports clubs and associations that are looking for sponsors.


We understand how much the investment into a sponsorship deal means to you. You are investing your hard earned money into a sports club or association and like any investment, need a return on it.

We will work with you to complete a full analysis and review on your organisation in regards to what it wants to get out of a sponsorship deal.

Examples could be that you want to:
– increase your brand awareness e.g. letting the community know that you exists and what your organisation offers
– be seen as a ‘good corporate citizen’ and sponsor a local sports clubs or association to give something back to the community
– increase your clientele or membership.

Let us assist you in making sound investments on your choice of sponsorship deals.

Sports clubs and associations

Sponsorship money can make or break a sports club or association because it plays an important part in the organisation’s longevity. Whether you are a grassroots football club, semi professional rugby league club or a sporting governing body, we can help you.

At MDS Sports Consultancy, we will complete a full analysis of your sports club or association to identify opportunities that sponsors will want to invest in. We will then provide your organisation with a customised sponsorship document which will assist you with obtaining sponsors. We will find you sponsors and help you maintain them so that they turn into long term supporters of your sports club or association.