
Sports clubs and associations are given numerous opportunities each year to apply for grants. The funding can come from numerous avenues including:

– local council
– state and federal Government via your local Member of Parliament (MP)
– large organisations (e.g. Holden Home Ground Advantage)
– state and national sporting organisations.

These days, grant cheques are simply not written because you belong to a sporting club or association. Funding bodies are mindful of what their money will be used for. They are keen to leverage their funding and to let their constituents know what they have done with their money.

Grant submissions can be complicated and time consuming. Sporting clubs and associations must align their strategic plans with the grants’ objectives. If the two don’t meet, the grant won’t be given to your sporting club or association.

MDS Sports Consultancy has submitted plenty of successful grant applications over the past 13 years. This includes grants for grassroots clubs, local associations, local council and semi professional sporting teams. We work hard to ensure that each grant submission meets both the grant criteria and the sporting club or association’s key objectives and strategic plan. We are committed to assisting local sporting clubs and associations with their grant applications. We will look after the grant application process from start to finish by working closely with local MPs and council.


Fundraising is the heart that keeps every sporting club or association working. Without some form of fundraising, clubs and associations would not be able to function and meet their key objectives. For many years, clubs and associations have been relying on tradition methods, such as registration fees, canteen sales, chocolate drives, meat raffles etc to raise much needed funds. These generally require a lot of work for little return.

MDS Sports Consultancy has worked with numerous clubs and associations to help them develop successful fundraising plans which have resulted in raising thousands of dollars. We will analyse your local market and survey your members to identify the best fundraising avenues. We will then work with your club or association to ensure you raise the needed funds to meet your key objectives.